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Location: Atlanta, GA, United States

I grew up in the midwest. I quit my "day job" several years ago to play poker and have not looked back!

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    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    With these hold em techniques you will improve your game dramatically.

    This blog is for information and education only. It is meant to improve your hold em game in its legal and non-gambling applications.

    A Great Texas Hold Em Article

    Avoiding Draw Poker

    By Bill Ricardi

    I�m going to be brief this week. This is a comment on sites bringing the wonder of draw poker into the realm of online play.

    I frankly see no reason to play draw poker online. The entire point of draw poker is playing with a LACK of public information. All you have to determine your actions are the number of cards drawn and the bets being made. There are no community cards. There are no exposed cards.

    Why would you want to play a game that is based mainly on tells online; where reads are difficult if not impossible? Without tells, after the basic odds tables are figured out, the game is somewhat boring on one hand, somewhat of a craps shoot on the other.

    Some might claim that playing their own cards and analysis of betting patterns is enough to take online draw poker out of the realm of lottery play. Maybe. But why play a bad version of a good game, when there are so many good versions of good games already available to the online poker playing community?

    I never play games just because they�re �good enough�. They have to give me an edge, and they have to be worth my time and effort. There will be very, very few people who will be able to get a significant edge playing draw poker online, and even fewer who will be properly rewarded for their time and effort.

    In short: I won�t be jumping on the draw poker train, just to entertain the nostalgia of playing at the kitchen table with the family. I�d rather play Razz. And that�s saying a lot!


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