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I grew up in the midwest. I quit my "day job" several years ago to play poker and have not looked back!

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    Monday, June 09, 2008

    Do not be intimidated by playing online poker. These strategies will make you a better player.

    The information in this blog is in no way meant to promote gambling. It provides information on online poker to be used in its legal and non-gambling applications.

    A Great Poker Article

    Playing Multiple Poker Tables

    Here is a great article about the advantages and pitfalls of playing multiple tables online. The majority of people will tell you that multiple tables increases your profit. The following article outlines why that may not necessarily be the case.

    Playing Multiple Tables
    One of the many advantages to playing poker on the internet is the ability to play multiple tables at once. Some sites, like Party Poker, allow you to play up to ten tables at once. Players who have proven themselves to be winners should consider playing multiple tables at once on the Internet in order to maximize their win rate (though playing an exorbitant amount such as eight tables is almost always inadvisable).

    When playing two tables at once, most players' abilities will suffer. This is because you can't pay as much attention to each game. You will not be able to adopt as many player-specific strategies as you would if you were only playing one table. Thus, if you are used to making $10 an hour playing one game at once, do not automatically assume you will earn $20 an hour by playing two games at once. Chances are, you will earn less than $20 an hour. Thus, the key decision in this case is whether you think you would make between $10-$20 an hour playing two tables or less than $10 an hour.

    Since playing two tables lowers your profit rate per table, you must have already established that you can beat the game consistently in order for it to be profitable to play two games at once. If you are breaking even at a limit and decide to play two games at once at that limit, you will probably begin to lose money since your profit rate will go from 0 to say -$5 an hour per table, which amounts to -$10 an hour.

    Another critical factor when deciding whether or not to play multiple tables at once is the type of game you are playing. If you are playing a no-limit game, you may be highly dependent on player reads. Therefore, playing multiple tables might be a bad idea if it will significantly affect your ability to win. However, if you play fixed-limit games at low stakes, chances are your advantages are derived from basic, tactical skills. These types of skills, such as patience and discipline, will not be affected by multiple tables. Therefore, multiple tables tends to be a better option for limit players than no-limit players.

    Furthermore, playing more than one game can be stressful. You will be constantly checking each game, making snap decisions every 15 seconds, etc. This may decrease the joy factor of the game, which may be more important to you than any extra money you could make by playing two games at once. After all, poker is not just about winning money; it is also about having fun.


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    With these poker techniques you will improve your game dramatically.

    We do not promote gambling of any type. This blog information is to be used when playing poker in its legal and non-gambling applications.

    Another Great Online Poker Article

    Manage Your Bankroll

    Here is a good article on just how much you should be investing. It is great advice for those just getting started playing poker, as well as those who have been winning for a while.

    How much money should I invest?This is an important question, with two simple answers.If you are a beginner or just looking to have fun, don't invest any more than is 'fun' to lose. Hence, if you're comfortable blowing a hundred bucks, put in $100 and see if you can win with it. This is what I did. My original roll was only $100, but I built it up into my current, much more powerful bankroll.Bankroll considerations are different for a seasoned player who has proven himself a winner. These types of players are looking to consistently make money at a given limit. If you are one of these players, you should be able to bank 200 big bets at the limit you play. Hence, if you play $2-$4, you should have an $800 roll ($4 * 200). For $5-$10, your target roll should be $2,000. These numbers prevent you from blowing your entire bankroll because of one bad run.Some say that 200 big bets is too few for shorthand, but I believe that you need to be reasonable about potential losses. You don't want to invest more than 200 big bets unless you've proven that you're successful at that limit.Also, it is a very good idea to keep a daily diary of your sessions. This will help you determine if you are a winning or a losing player and how often you win. It will also prove helpful come tax time if you live in a country with income tax on gambling winnings (in the UK, there is no tax on gambling winnings). If you plan on playing poker regularly, consider using a service such as Check Your Bets.


    Latest Online Poker News:


    WPT to Explore Network Options for Season VII

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